Jumat, 15 Maret 2013

riwayat hidup

nama saya septa ariani kelas IXa saya bersekolah di SMP negeri 5 muara enim hobby saya membaca,makanan kesukaan saya bakso,minunuman kesukaan saya teh.
cita-cita saya ingin menjadi seorang dokter hewan .

Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

tugas TIK

Laju degradasi lahan di dunia sampai saat ini masih tergolong tinggi, dengan tingkatan laju degradasi lahan di dunia ini sebesar 12 Juta hektar per tahunnya. Tingkat degradasi yang sedemikian besar memberikan dampak terhadap sedikitnya 1,5 Miliar penduduk yang berada di muka bumi ini. Jika hal ini tidak secepatnya diatasi, maka bencana kelaparan dan kekurangan air akan mengancam kehidupan kemanusiaan.
Banyaknya kejadian bencana alam  berupa kekeringan dan banjir di berbagai negara merupakan bagian dari efek degradasi lahan yang terjadi selama ini, sehingga menurunkan kemampuan bumi untuk menahan laju perubahan iklim. Saat alam mengalami kerapuhan akibat degradasi lahan, maka perlu untuk segera dilakukan kegiatan penangulangannya.
Kontribusi Kementerian Kehutanan dalam penanggulangan Degradasi lahan
Di Indonesia, kementerian Kehutanan memiliki tangggung jawab moral serta teknis untuk mencegah terjadinya laju degradasi lahan. Kementerian Kehutanan mengemban kewajiban untuk menyuarakan dan menggerakkan kesadaran masyarakat, supaya bisa bersama-sama memperbaiki lingkungan dan mencegah degradasi lahan guna menjamin kesejahhteraan masyarakat. Salah satu upaya nyata kementerian kehutanan dalam mencegah laju degradasi hutan dalam hal teknis dengan menggalakkan kegiatan penanaman lahan gundul dan tidak produktif untuk dihutankan kembali. Dari Program gerakan rehabilitasi hutan (GERHAN), One Man On Tree (OMOT) dan yang terakhir gerakan One Bilion Indonesia Tree (OBIT).
Hasil nyata yang bisa dirasakan dari kegiatan diatas adalah prestasi penurunan laju deforestasi di Indonesia, yang awalnya sebesar 3,5 Juta hektar pada kurun waktu 1996-2000, terus menurun hingga periode 2009-2011 sebesar 0,45 juta hektar.
Selain mencanangkan kegiatan penanaman, komitmen pemerintah dalam menekan laju deforestasi yang berimbas terhadap degradasi laha juga sangat baik, dimana diberlakukannya moratorium izin baru konversi hutan alam primer dan lahan gambut melalui Inpres no. 10/2011. Kegiatan Penegakan hukum terhadap pembalakan liar dan perambahan hutan  juga semakin gencar dilakukan dengan melakukan optimalisasi fungsi Satuan Polisi Hutan Reaksi Cepat (SPORC).
Penanggulangan Degradasi lahan Untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat
Pada tahun 2012 ini, di tingkat internasional penyelenggaraan peringatan Hari Penanggulangan Degradasi lahan di Dunia diselenggarakan di Rio de Jeneiro pada tanggal 17 Juni yang lalu, sebelum dimulainya konferensi Rio+20. Dalam konfensi PBB, peringatan tahun ini menetapkan slogan “HEALTHY SOIL SUSITAINS YOUR LIFE : LET’S GO LAND-DEGRADATION NEUTRAL” (tanah sehat menopang hidupmu : Mari Hentikan Degradasi lahan”
Penaggulangan degradasi lahan menjadi pekerjaan besar untuk menyelamatkan kehidupan manusia masa depan. mengingat lahan adalah sumberdaya yang terbatas dan tidak bisa dilipatgandakan, maka optimalisasi penggunaan lahan menjadi alternative paling memungkinkan untuk menyelamatkan kehidupan, mengingat pertambahan jumlah penduduk di dunia ini selalu mengalami peningkatan. Menurut catatan Geohive (sebuah situs statisik kependudukan dunia) Pada awal tahun 2007, penduduk dunia sejumlah 6.647.186.407 (enam milyar enam ratus empat puluh tujuh juta seratus delapan puluh enam ribu empat ratus tujuh) jiwa. Dan pada tahun 2011, jumlah penduduk dunia menembus pada angka 7  Miliar jiwa. Dengan laju pertambahan penduduk yang cukup ekstrem, maka diperlukan upaya serius untuk menganggulangi degradasi lahan yang masih terus terjadi hingga saat ini.
Saat penduduk bertambah, kebutuhan akan papan (tempat tinggal) semakin besar dan kebutuhan akan bahan pangan juga semakin meningkat. Jika kebutuhan papan tidak bisa tersedia untuk masyarakat, akan terjadi aksi penyerobotan lahan hutan untuk dijadikan pemukiman. Demikian pula jika kebutuhan pangan tidak bisa dipenuhi, maka akan terjadi penyerobotan dan penebangan hutan secara illegal untuk dijadikan lahan perkebunan untuk menanam tanaman pangan. Jika sidah tidak terdapat lahan potensial untuk ditanami tanaman pangan, maka maka ancaman yang terberat adalah terjadinya kelaparan massal bagi penduduk di bumi ini. Salah satu alternative yang ditawarkan kementerian kehutanan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan bagi masyarakat tanpa merusak hutan dengan cara sistem tumpang sari dalam lahan tanaman hutan. Sistem tumpangsari ini merupakan teknik penanaman tanaman palawija / tanaman pangan diantara sela sela tanah kosong tanaman kayu. Dengan sistem tumpang sari ini diharapkan bisa lebih mengoptimalkan penggunaan lahan serta bisa membantu memenuhi kebutuhan pangan masyarakat sekitar hutan.
Dengan optimalisasi lahan serta adanya keamanan lahan dari ancaman degradasi secara tidak langsung akan berkontribusi terhadap tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat di sekitar hutan. Semoga…….

Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

10 berita masjid termewah

1. Al-Masjid al-Haram

Al-Masjid al-Haram or Grand Mosque is a mosque in the city of Mecca, which is down the middle are building the Kaaba. It is the holiest place in the world for Muslims. Each year millions - millions of Muslims from around the world flock mainly to implement the 5 pillars of Islam, hajj. This mosque is a mecca prayer.So, if in the mosque - mosque else all lined up facing the same direction to a direction that is different with in the Holy Mosque. People - people who pray here live around the Ka'bah, then that is the Qibla. This huge mosque has 9 minarets and has undergone many renovations and extensions were carried out by the authority of the mosque for years. Since the pomp and religious values ​​are so strong, this mosque deserves to be number 1.
2. Al-Masjid al-Nabawi

Prophet's Mosque, is one of the most important mosques located in the city of Medina, Saudi Arabia because it was built by the Prophet Muhammad. and a tomb where he and his companions. This mosque is one of the main mosque for Muslims after Mecca and the Mosque of Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.
Prophet's Mosque is the second mosque built by the Prophet., After the Quba Mosque established in the course of his emigration from Mecca to Medina. Nabawi Mosque built since the first moments of the Messenger of Allah. arrived at Medina, was to ride a camel in the Prophet. stop the journey. What was originally a place owned palm fruit drying two brothers orphans Sahl and Suhail bin 'Amr, which was later purchased by the Prophet. to be woken mosque and his residence.
After that many times the mosque was renovated and expanded. Renovations were first performed by the Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab in the year 17 H, and the second by the Caliph Uthman ibn Affan in the year 29 AH In modern times, the King Abdul Aziz of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to extend this mosque in 6024 m² in 1372 H. This expansion was followed by his successor, King Fahd in 1414 H, so that the building mosques almost reached 100,000 m², plus a top-floor area reached 67,000 m² and a mosque courtyard that can be used for prayer covering 135,000 m². Prophet's Mosque can now accommodate approximately 535,000 worshipers.
3. Mosque Hassan II

Hassan II Mosque is the name of the mosque located in Casablanca, Morocco.This mosque was built in 1980, designed by the French architect Michel Pinseau nationality and built by Bouygues. The mosque is touted as the second largest in the world after the Grand Mosque in Mecca. The mosque has the highest minaret in the world with a height of 210 meters (689 feet) and has a capacity of 25,000 people.
Every night, at the top of the tower is equipped with a laser beam leading to Makkah. Hasan II Mosque is also equipped with modern touches like a dome that can be moved, floor heating, anti-earthquake, electric doors. Beautify interiors Hasan II Mosque is specifically designed and built at the request of King Hassan II.
"I want to build this mosque on the water, because God's throne is on the water. So that believers will come to worship and praise the Creator while contemplating the sky and sea that created him, "the word of the King Hasan II.
4. Mosque Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan

Dubai has been known for some time as a big city full of skyscrapers marvelous skyscrapers rivaling the most spectacular in the world. The famous Grand Mosque Sheikh Zayed Mosque here named Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, a magnificent domed building built in Abu Dhabi 82 by the father of the UAE itself, and the main dome of the mosque was opened in 2007. The mosque is 32.8 meters in diameter with a height of 85 meters, making it one of the largest in the world. The main prayer hall holds two world records, one for the display of handmade carpets in the world and the other to have a light in the world. Sheikh Zayed died in 2004 and his tomb in the courtyard of the mosque. Look at the picture above, and tell me which part of the mosque was not awesome?
5. Imam Mosque

Shah Abbas I is hailed as the greatest ruler of the Safavid dynasty. During the era of his rule, the capital of the Persian Empire was moved to Isfahan. Naqsh-e Jahan Square and the magnificent façade was built south of the square which will no doubt have a magnificent view.
From the main gate, the mosque is connected via a walkway that forms a beautiful altar. The mosque is surrounded by four iwans respectively in the four arcades.The iwan facing the Qibla (direction to Mecca), is the largest and most impressive which also contains an elevated blue tiles, a double-layered dome. Walls of the mosque are covered with 7 color mosaic inscriptions and calligraphy that seems signature intricate and dazzling. Outstanding acoustic properties and the reflection of the dome should be noted. Imam Mosque is the best Persian architecture.
6. Jame Asr Hassanal Bolkiah Mosque

Jame Asr Hassanal Bolkiah Mosque is a waqf to bottom Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Muizzadin Wadaullah, the Sultan of Brunei to-29. The mosque is located in the hometown kiarong 4 km from Bandar Seri Begawan. Start-up in 1988 on the land area of ​​20.
The mosque was started officially in use on Friday night to coincide with the birthday of the Sultan of Brunei 48th, on 15 July 1994. The capacity of this mosque can accommodate more than 5000 people jama'ah. The mosque is also equipped some supporting facilities such as a perpustaka'an, pentakbiran space and others.
7. Faisal Mosque

Faisal Mosque is the largest mosque in Pakistan and is located in the national capital Islamabad. The mosque is also the largest mosque in South Asia and one of the largest mosques in the world. Named after King Faisal bin Abdul - Aziz of Saudi Arabia's end that have supported and financed the construction of this mosque.
Faisal Mosque designated as the National Mosque of Pakistan. Unlike mosques in Asia in general, Faisal Mosque has no domes and statues. The shape is unusual, inspired by one of the tents set up Arab tribes, Bedouin. The main prayer hall is shaped like a large triangle and the tower is pointed straight up. Slightly influenced by the style of the building Turkey, Faisal Mosque is one picture of the mosque with a contemporary architectural design.
8. Badshahi Mosque

Badshahi Mosque, built in 1673 located in South Asia, Lahore. Magnificent mosque is able to accommodate approximately 200,000 worshipers in the main prayer hall and porch are still standing strong and beautiful.
Architecture of Masjid Jami similar in New Delhi, India, was used as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as one of the historical places in Lahore. The mosque, which means "mosque Emperor" that never loses its charm, becoming one of the favorite cultural attractions for local residents, and like a magnet continues to siphon hundreds of tourists from various countries.
9. Istiqlal Mosque

Istiqlal Mosque is a mosque located in the center of the capital of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta. This mosque is the largest mosque in Southeast Asia. The mosque was initiated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia at the time, Ir.Sukarno in which the first stone erection, as a sign of the start of construction of the Istiqlal Mosque by Ir. Soekarno on August 24, 1951. Istiqlal Mosque is the architect Frederich Silaban.
Besides being used as an activity of Muslim worship, the mosque is also used as the office of the Indonesian Ulema Council, social activities, and general activities.The mosque is also one of the famous tourist attraction in Jakarta. Most tourists who visit general domestic tourists, and some foreign tourists who are Muslims. It is not known whether non-Muslims can visit this mosque.
10. Sultan Ahmet Mosque
Sultan Ahmed Mosque is a mosque in Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey and the capital of the Ottoman Empire (from 1453 to 1923). The mosque is known as the Blue Mosque because of its interior paint color predominantly blue. But the blue paint is not part of the original decoration mosque, the paint is removed. Now, the interior of the mosque does not look blue.
Architect Sultan Ahmed Mosque, Sedefhar Mehmet Aga, is mandated to not have to downsize the cost of creating a place of worship in Islam is a great and beautiful. The basic structure of the building is almost cube-shaped, measuring 53 times 51 meters. As in all the mosques, the mosque was directed in such a way that people who do prayers facing Mecca, with a mihrab in front.